
Welcome to Fort Steele Heritage Town

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Murder Mystery Endowment Fundraiser

We are so excited! We've sold out our very first fundraiser for our endowment fund! One day to go to the big event. Our guests are in for a wonderful four course dinner with a 'harvest' flair and will be entertained by a dinner theatre performance with some Victorian charm. We're already looking forward to hosting another dinner in the future.


  1. Fun had by all, guests and staff included! Dinner was amazing. Butternut squash soup with creme fresh and nutmeg, roast pork and chicken stuffed with apple stuffing, sweet cookies shaped as a curled leaves that held our own blend of cinnamon ice cream . . . can't wait to do this event all over again!

  2. The final amount raised for the Endowment Fund was a wonderful $3,778! What a great contribution to the fund! Thank you to everyone who participated, supported, helped organize, and staffed this event. It was a wonderful evening.
